Agriculture and food sciences | Online ISSN: 3066-3407

Development and Evaluation of a Laboratory-Scale Hydrological Apparatus for Simulating Soil Erosion and Groundwater Processes

Fayaz Ahmad 1, Zainab Asad 1, Muhammad Haris 1, Huda Shafqat 1, Taj Ali Khan 1*

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Applied Agriculture Sciences 2(1) 1-9

Submitted: 05 February 2024  Revised: 15 April 2024  Published: 19 April 2024 

This apparatus advances understanding of soil erosion and groundwater flow, crucial for effective water management and environmental planning.


Background: The effective management of water infiltration, runoff, and soil degradation remains a critical challenge in water resource planning and environmental management. With increasing global water management concerns, tools such as rainfall simulators and erosion and sediment control (ESC) measures have become essential in studying hydrological processes. These tools aid in understanding the impact of natural phenomena and human activities on water systems, soil erosion, and sediment transport. Methods: This study utilized a custom-built hydrological apparatus to simulate and monitor rainfall, runoff, and groundwater processes under controlled laboratory conditions. The apparatus featured adjustable components such as a sand tank, rainfall simulation system, and supporting frame to replicate varied hydrological scenarios. Experiments focused on surface water flow, groundwater abstraction, and soil erosion by simulating real-world conditions like rainfall intensity, soil composition, and slope variations. Data on water infiltration, erosion, and sediment transport were collected for analysis. Results: The apparatus successfully replicated diverse hydrological conditions, providing key insights into soil erosion, water infiltration, and runoff patterns. It demonstrated the effects of slope and soil composition on water retention, with clay soils showing the highest water retention (7.28 L/min) and sandy soils exhibiting rapid drainage (0.16 L/min). Simulated rainfall enabled the creation of storm hydrographs and detailed monitoring of overland flow and erosion. Groundwater experiments, using Darcy’s law, revealed how varying conditions affected subsurface flow rates and water table fluctuations. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that controlled laboratory simulations can provide high-quality data on hydrological processes, complementing field studies and enhancing the understanding of water management systems.

Keywords: Hydrological Apparatus, Soil Erosion Simulation, Groundwater Flow, Rainfall Simulation, Water Management


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