Advances in Herbal Research | online ISSN 2209-1890
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

In-depth Phytochemical Analysis of Herbs from the Region to Identify Key Compounds with Medicinal Properties and Understand their Mechanisms of Action

Maryam Abbasi 1*, Mansoureh Nazari Vishkaei 2

+ Author Affiliations

Australian Herbal Insight 5(1) 1-18

Submitted: 01 December 2021  Revised: 03 January 2022  Published: 24 January 2022 

Phytochemical analysis uncovers medicinal potential in local herbs, bridging traditional wisdom with modern science for improved healthcare solutions.


The area of phytochemical analysis, which sits at the nexus of botany, chemistry, and medicine, is vital and active and sheds insight on the mostly untapped medicinal potential of local herbs. Our world is home to a remarkable variety of plant species, many of which have been traditionally used for their medicinal benefits in diverse civilizations. Although these tried-and-true treatments have had a big impact on human health and wellbeing, their full therapeutic potential is still mostly unrealized. This abstract explores the significant significance of phytochemical analysis, which aims to identify the chemical constituents in charge of these local herbs' therapeutic capabilities. We can unravel the mysteries of these herbs' therapeutic properties by examining the variety of chemical components that make them up. Alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and polyphenols are examples of phytochemicals that have been demonstrated to exhibit a variety of biological functions, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anticancer characteristics. We can recognize and use these chemicals for therapeutic purposes by comprehend the complex biochemical composition of local plants. This study's ramifications go far beyond the confines of the lab. New medications, herbal supplements, and complementary therapies may be created as a result of the identification of novel chemicals and their therapeutic potential in local herbs. Additionally, it provides access to affordable and long-lasting healthcare treatments, particularly in areas with limited access to contemporary medicine. In addition to deepening our understanding of the richness of the natural world, this frontier has the potential to completely transform the healthcare sector by introducing new methods for illness prevention and holistic well-being. Phytochemical analysis is a ray of hope in a world that is changing quickly and where there is a growing need for sustainable and natural treatments. It provides a link between age-old knowledge and modern science. This abstract emphasizes the immense potential that lies within our botanical heritage, waiting to be harnessed for the benefit of human health and our planet’s future.

Keywords:  Phytochemical Analysis,  Medicinal Potential,  Regional Herbs,. Botanical Heritage


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