Advances in Herbal Research | online ISSN 2209-1890
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Optimizing Extraction Techniques for Maximized Bioactive Compound Yield in Medicinal Herbs

Md Shamsuddin Sultan Khan 1*, Marjan Ganjali Dashti 2

+ Author Affiliations

Australian Herbal Insight 6 (1) 1-10

Submitted: 19 February 2023 Revised: 07 April 2023  Published: 15 April 2023 


The goal of this review is to advance the field of herbal medicine through the creation and refinement of novel extraction methods. The main objective is to discuss increasing the yield and extracting bioactive components from medicinal plants to maximize their therapeutic value. Since ancient times, medicinal herbs have been prized for their many health advantages. One of the most important aspects of utilizing these benefits is extracting bioactive components from the herbs. Conventional extraction techniques frequently fail to properly extract the range of bioactive chemicals found in medicinal plants. This study investigates and improves on state-of-the-art extraction methods to overcome this constraint. The review analyzes how to overcome current limitations and improve the extraction process's efficiency by utilizing advances in science and technology. Optimizing extraction techniques is essential for maintaining the integrity of bioactive chemicals and maximizing production. In order to achieve the best possible balance between compound stability and extraction process efficiency, the review explores variables like temperature, pressure, and solvent choice. The research aims to create procedures that may be used with a variety of therapeutic herbs by methodical trial and analysis, guaranteeing a wide-ranging influence on herbal medicine. Moreover, maximizing bioactive substances' therapeutic potential aligns with the general goal of achieving better health outcomes. Potential uses include pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, complementary and alternative medicine, and other medical domains. In conclusion, this review discusses the further practical advances in herbal medicine and the scientific understanding of extraction methods, potentially leading to innovations that favor global health.

Keywords: Extraction techniques, Medicinal herbs, Bioactive compounds, Optimization, Therapeutic potential.


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