Interdisciplinary Sciences | Online ISSN 3064-9870
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Impact and Challenges of Digital Marketing in Health Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tufael1*, Md Sohel Rana2, Shib Shankar Das3, Moazzam Hossian4, Md Samiul Bashir5

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Primeasia 4(1) 1-4

Submitted: 09 August 2023  Revised: 16 October 2023  Published: 19 October 2023 



Objective: This study aims to explore the impact and challenges of digital marketing in the healthcare industry, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the adoption of digital marketing strategies due to the decline of traditional methods. Methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted, systematically gathering and analyzing recent publications from primary databases, including Google Scholar, Biomed Central, NCBI, ProQuest, BASE, Science Direct, and Neliti. The inclusion criteria focused on recent studies within the last five years, incorporating older studies for foundational knowledge. Articles were categorized based on thematic relevance, such as digital marketing strategies, patient engagement, regulatory issues, and technological advancements, followed by a critical appraisal of methodological rigor and relevance. Results: The findings highlight the transformative potential of digital marketing in the healthcare sector, offering significant benefits such as enhanced patient engagement, satisfaction, and business growth. However, challenges such as regulatory compliance, security concerns, disparities in digital literacy, and resource allocation were identified. These challenges necessitate strategic planning, investment in resources, and continuous education to optimize digital marketing initiatives. Conclusion: Digital marketing has become indispensable for healthcare providers in the digital era. By effectively addressing the identified challenges, healthcare organizations can improve operational efficiency, expand their market reach, and enhance patient care experiences, thereby achieving sustainable growth and improved patient outcomes.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Health Care Industries, COVID-19 Pandemic, Digital Era, Hospitals.


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