Multidisciplinary research and review journal | Online ISSN 3064-9870

Public Relation and Educational Outcomes of Films in Bangladesh: A Study on Hawa

Md. Halimuzzaman1*, H M Atif Wafik2, Prabir Kumar Chakrabortty3, Salehin Mahbub4

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Primeasia 5(1) 1-7

Submitted: 04 March 2024  Revised: 11 May 2024  Published: 14 May 2024 



The objective of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities faced by the entertainment industry in Bangladesh in terms of public relations (PR), with a specific focus on the case study of the movie "Hawa." The goals include examining the current state of PR in Bangladesh, assessing the integration of cultural sensitivity in the PR strategy for "Hawa," and exploring the educational outcomes of the movie. The significance of PR in Bangladesh is underscored by its crucial role in communication, trust-building, and shaping public perceptions. The multifaceted importance is explained through cultural integration, bridging traditional and modern media, maintaining harmony between the government and society, and managing global connectivity and reputation. The literature review delves into the existing knowledge on PR tools and strategies in Bangladesh, with a particular emphasis on cultural dynamics, the media landscape, government influence, and global perspectives. The methodology employed entails a qualitative case study design, sampling PR practitioners, collecting data from various sources, and considering ethical considerations. The findings provide insights into the state of PR practices, emphasizing the need for a more strategic, transparent, and inclusive approach. Moreover, the educational outcomes of the movie "Hawa" demonstrate success in imparting knowledge about the sea and coastal life. The recommendations put forth include diversifying communication strategies, adopting a public-centric approach, enhancing professional development, embracing digital transformation, and encouraging creativity in PR practices. As for the educational outcomes of movies like "Hawa," the recommendations focus on building on previous success, promoting cultural understanding, collaborating with educational institutions, and ensuring accessibility and outreach. In conclusion, this study offers valuable insights into the field of PR in Bangladesh and the impact of media on public knowledge.

Keywords: Public Relations, Educational Outcomes, Bangladeshi Films Industry, Entertainment


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