Integrative Disciplinary Research | Online ISSN 3064-9870

Library Recommendation

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I have reviewed this journal and recommend that our library subscribe to the following journal(s):

  Journal of Angiotherapy
  Microbial Bioactives
  Australian Herbal Insight
  Tribology of Materials
  Biosensors and Nanotheranostics
  Advanced Bioinformatics & Chemistry
  Applied Agriculture Sciences
  Applied IT & Engineering
  Applied Pharmacology & Toxicology Research
  Biology & Pharmaceuticals
  Journal of Precision Biosciences
  Botanical Sciences & Therapeutics
  Business & Social Sciences
  Cell Biology Mechanisms
  Clinical Epidemiology & Public Health
  Data Modeling
  Drug Development & Therapeutics
  Drug Science & Safety
  Energy Environment & Economy
  Immunological Health Issues
  Nano Drug Sciences
  Nutraceuticals Development
  Polymolecular Medicine
  Molecular Microbiology and Pathogenesis
  Journal of Primeasia
  Livestock Research Today

Reason for Recommendation

  This publication is an essential resource for myself, colleagues and students
  This publication is directly related to my field of research
  I publish/intend to publish articles within this journal
I am affiliated to this journal
  I will refer my students to this publication to assist in their studies
  Acquisition of this journal will benefit the research/teaching needs of our institution
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