Interdisciplinary Sciences | Online ISSN 3064-9870

Spirituality in Hospitality Services: An Assessment of Halal Tourism Practices

Kamrul Hassan1, Jannatul Ferdaus2, Tasnim Mosharaf3*

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Primeasia 3(1) 1-8

Submitted: 11 March 2022  Revised: 14 May 2022  Published: 18 May 2022 


As a significant determinant of human lifestyle, religion becomes one of the influencing criteria that shape the tourism and hospitality business all over the world. A range of practices to accommodate and appreciate religious values of guests has turned into a part of hospitality services. Growing demand, particularly among Muslim guests and tourists, encourages hospitality service providers to initiate new service based on religion. In response to this demand, Halal tourism is gaining popularity in many destinations. This research aims to critically evaluate Halal hospitality services in relation to market characteristics. In order to address the research aim, this theoretical study reveals several insights into Halal hospitality service practices such as, why spirituality matters to the Muslim market segments, emerging scopes, and potential challenges of Halal tourism in terms of conventional market demands. Moreover, the study addresses the evolution of Halal tourism and the transformation of tourism supply-side in response to the demand for Halal tourism. Finally, it evaluates the extent of Islamic rules and regulations to support or contradict with some so-called Halal tourism practices. Academic literature on Halal tourism and industry practices which are available in open public sources including websites and brochures have been reviwed in this research.

Keywords: Halal tourism, Muslim travel market, Spirituality, Halal food, Halal accommodation.


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