Precision sciences | Online ISSN 3064-9226

Individualized Vaccine Development for Infectious Diseases

Md Mostafizur Rahman 1*, Md Abu Bakar Siddique 1, Moushumi Afroza Mou 1, Amatun Noor Prapty 1

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Journal of Precision Biosciences 2(1) 1-11

Submitted: 14 February 2020  Revised: 27 April 2020  Published: 28 April 2020 


Vaccination has significantly enhanced global health, improving the quality of life for humans and animals, reducing treatment costs, and saving countless lives. Traditional vaccines were developed empirically, often with limited understanding of their effects on the human immune system. However, several challenges have emerged, including concerns about immunological safety, the need for individualized vaccines, and issues related to pathogens with complex lifecycles and antigenic variability. These concerns highlight risks such as non-antigen-specific immune responses, which may lead to autoimmunity or vaccine allergies. To address these challenges, immunologists are exploring innovative approaches to vaccine design. Immunoinformatics has become a transformative tool, enabling a deeper understanding of viral pathophysiology, immune responses, computational vaccinology, and diagnostics. The role of immunoinformatics in infectious disease research depends on the computational methods applied, particularly those that analyze host-pathogen interactions. Additionally, bioinformatics techniques are being leveraged to identify gene targets for vaccine development, including integrating pregnant women into vaccine trials and programs more effectively. This review emphasizes the critical need for advancing experimental, computational, and hybrid approaches to study host-pathogen interactions and drive innovations in vaccine development.

Keywords: Immunoinformatics, Computational Vaccinology, Vaccine Design, Emerging Infections, Immune System.


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