Precision sciences | Online ISSN 3064-9226

Effectiveness of a Structured Teaching Program on Child Abuse Awareness Among Mothers of School-Going Children

Manimekalai P 1*, Suresh Kanna S 1, Vijaykumar Edward 1, Anandan P 1

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Journal of Precision Biosciences 6(1) 1-5

Submitted: 04 March 2024  Revised: 09 April 2024  Published: 12 April 2024 

This study determined the importance of targeted educational programs in enhancing parental knowledge to prevent child abuse effectively.


Background: Child abuse remains a significant issue, manifesting as physical, verbal, sexual, and emotional harm. Many parents lack sufficient knowledge to identify and address child abuse effectively, underscoring the need for targeted educational interventions. Methods: This pre-experimental study employed a one-group pre-test and post-test design to evaluate a structured teaching program on child abuse among 60 mothers of school-going children in Anagaputhur, Chennai. Participants underwent a pre-test to assess baseline knowledge, followed by a two-day structured teaching program, and a post-test to evaluate knowledge improvement. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Pre-test results showed 61% of participants had inadequate knowledge of child abuse, 34% had moderate knowledge, and 5% had adequate knowledge. After the educational intervention, 70% of participants achieved adequate knowledge, and 30% had moderate knowledge, with none remaining in the inadequate category. The mean knowledge score improved significantly from 40.0 to 78.6 (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The structured teaching program effectively enhanced knowledge about child abuse among mothers, demonstrating the importance of educational interventions in empowering caregivers to prevent and address abuse. Regular implementation of such programs is recommended to foster safer environments for children.

Keywords: Child abuse, Educational intervention, Parental awareness, Knowledge improvement, Prevention strategies


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