Advances in Herbal Research | online ISSN 2209-1890

Assessment of Lead Concentration in Turmeric Powder Marketed in Bangladesh: Ensuring Consumer Safety

Syeda Anjuman Ara Aunni1*, Md Mahedi Hasan Shabuj1, Asika Ayrin Naher1, Tahnia Basher2, Sheikh Mahdia Ahmed Lima3, Debashis Chandra Das4, Mst. Shahana Akter5, Shah Jalal6, Nadia Islam7

+ Author Affiliations

Australian Herbal Insight 7 (1) 1-8

Submitted: 02 July 2024 Revised: 09 September 2024  Published: 10 September 2024 


Background: Turmeric, derived from the Curcuma longa plant, is widely consumed in Bangladesh for culinary and medicinal purposes. Its bright yellow color, attributed to curcumin, makes it a prized spice. However, concerns over heavy metal contamination, especially lead, pose potential health risks to consumers. Lead toxicity is associated with severe neurological, cardiovascular, and developmental health problems. Therefore, evaluating the lead concentration in turmeric powder is essential to safeguard public health. Methods: A laboratory-based analytical study was conducted at Hamdard University Bangladesh to determine lead concentrations in turmeric powder samples obtained from the local market. A total of three samples (TR, TA, and TB) were analyzed using the titration method with EDTA as the complexing agent. Results: The permissible lead limit for turmeric powder, as set by the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), is 2.5 mg/kg. The study found that lead concentrations in Sample 1 (TR) averaged 0.53 mg/kg, Sample 2 (TA) averaged 0.57 mg/kg, and Sample 3 (TB) averaged 0.55 mg/kg. All samples were within the permissible safety limit. Conclusion: The findings indicate that turmeric powder marketed in Bangladesh generally adheres to regulatory safety standards for lead content. Continuous monitoring and quality control are necessary to maintain this compliance and ensure public safety. Efforts should also focus on educating producers and consumers to minimize contamination risks and promote safer agricultural and processing practices.

Keywords: Turmeric Powder, Lead Contamination, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Titration Method, Food Safety


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