Bionanotechnology, Drug Delivery, Therapeutics | online ISSN 3064-7789

Development of Stimuli-Responsive Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Targeted Cancer Drug Delivery: Synthesis, Characterization, and Ion Incorporation

Klepetsanis Pavlos 1*

+ Author Affiliations

Biosensors and Nanotheranostics 1 (1) 1-9

Submitted: 04 October 2022 Revised: 10 December 2022  Published: 15 December 2022 


Background: The rising incidence of breast cancer has heightened the need for advanced drug delivery systems. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) have emerged as a promising carrier for targeted cancer therapy due to their biocompatibility and ability to provide controlled drug release. Their functionalization, size, and shape allow for enhanced internalization and accumulation in tumors, reducing adverse effects and improving efficacy. Methods: MSNs were synthesized using the sol-gel process with tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) as a precursor. The effects of variables such as pH, stirring rates, and the use of catalysts were studied to optimize particle size and morphology. Zinc and cerium ions were incorporated into the MSN network via post-grafting to enhance therapeutic efficacy. Particles were characterized using FT-IR, XRD, and TEM to analyze size, crystallinity, and composition. Additionally, degradation studies were performed in a physiological medium.  Results: Monodispersed MSNs of less than 200 nm were successfully synthesized, with optimal properties achieved at a stirring rate of 600 rpm and pH between 10.5 and 11.5. Zinc and cerium incorporation resulted in enhanced ROS generation, potentially increasing the cytotoxicity towards cancer cells. Zinc showed increased release in acidic environments, while cerium exhibited pro-oxidant activity in cancer microenvironments. Characterization confirmed successful ion incorporation, with particle sizes maintained below 200 nm. Conclusion: The optimized MSNs with zinc and cerium incorporation demonstrated potential for targeted cancer therapy by inducing oxidative stress in cancer cells while offering controlled drug release. This study highlights the potential of MSNs as a versatile drug delivery platform for oncology.

Keywords: Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (MSNs), Stimuli-responsive drug delivery, Cancer therapy, Zinc and cerium ions, Sol-gel synthesis


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