Advances in Herbal Research | online ISSN 2209-1890
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Herbal Drug Interactions: Investigating Safety and Efficacy in Asian Traditional Medicine

Md Shahadat Hossan 1, Mohammed Rahmatullah 2*, Rownak Jahan 2

+ Author Affiliations

Australian Herbal Insight 5 (1) 1-8

Submitted: 23 January 2022 Revised: 20 February 2022  Published: 20 April 2022 


Asia and South Asia have long been the centers of traditional medicine in the field of healthcare, with a key role for herbal treatments in recovery and well-being. But as modern pharmaceuticals develop, there's reason for concern about possible drug interactions between herbal remedies and contemporary medications. In order to improve patient safety and treatment efficacy, this abstract highlights the necessity of looking into and comprehending these interactions. Herbal medicine has long been used throughout Asia and South Asia, where it is widely accepted as a standard component of both cultural and medical practices. The natural and comprehensive approach to healing that these herbal treatments are said to provide makes them highly sought after. However, using these herbal remedies in addition to conventional medications raises questions regarding possible interactions that could jeopardize patient safety and therapeutic results. Investigating the complex network of herbal-drug interactions, this review focuses on herbs that are widely utilized in South and Southeast Asia. By examining the effects of these interactions on the effectiveness and safety of traditional medications, the study seeks to clarify the nature of these interactions. The review aims to pinpoint particular herbs and herbal combinations that have either antagonistic or synergistic effects with contemporary medications This information will be crucial for creating treatment programs that minimize risks and optimize therapeutic benefits, eventually enhancing patient safety and wellbeing. Both practitioners of traditional medicine and the contemporary healthcare system should gain from the study's findings, which will support an integrated approach to patient treatment. Healthcare providers can choose the best course of action for their patients by raising understanding about herbal medicine interactions and the possible side effects. This review also describes how to persuade regulatory agencies to create rules and regulations that guarantee the safe coadministration of conventional medications and herbal remedies. To sum up, research on herbal medication interactions in the framework of Asian traditional medicine is essential to improving patient safety and therapeutic effectiveness.

Keywords: Herbal drug interactions, Asian traditional medicine, safety, efficacy, conventional pharmaceuticals, Asia, South Asia.


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