Precision sciences | Online ISSN 3064-9226
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Adaptive Clinical Trials in Precision Medicine: A Framework for Enhancing Cancer Research and Patient Care

Shamsuddin Sultan Khan 1, Md Haroon Or Rashid 2,  Mohammed Khadeer Ahamed Basheer 3, Md Mazedul Haq 4

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Journal of Precision Biosciences 5(1) 1-9

Submitted: 01 January 2023  Revised: 10 February 2023  Published: 12 February 2023 


Background: Adaptive clinical trials and precision medicine represent a transformative era in medical research, where innovation and personalized approaches converge. This study examines the intersection of these two methodologies, resulting in a new paradigm for improving patient outcomes. Methods: This paper reviews the dynamic nature of adaptive clinical trials, characterized by their flexibility and responsiveness, and explores their synergy with precision medicine. The focus is on how these trials integrate real-time patient data, enabling rapid modifications to treatment strategies based on individual genetic and molecular profiles. Results: The fusion of adaptive trials and precision medicine creates unprecedented opportunities in medical research. Adaptive trials allow real-time adjustments based on new findings, while precision medicine provides the framework for targeting interventions to specific genetic signatures, enhancing treatment efficacy. Conclusion: The integration of adaptive clinical trials with precision medicine offers a new frontier in healthcare. By combining adaptability with personalization, this approach enables tailored medical interventions that maximize patient outcomes.

Keywords: Adaptive clinical trials, Precision medicine, Personalized treatment, Targeted therapies


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