EMAN RESEARCH PUBLISHING | <p>Seedling Production of Cerrado Plant Species via Cutting for Degraded Area Recovery </p>
Advances in Herbal Research | online ISSN 2209-1890

Seedling Production of Cerrado Plant Species via Cutting for Degraded Area Recovery 

Evania Gondim A, Josimara Nolasco Rondon B, Francilina Araujo Costa C

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Australian Herbal Insight 2(1) 011-011 https://doi.org/10.25163/ahi.2120751328300919

Submitted: 06 June 2019  Revised: 26 August 2019  Published: 30 September 2019 


A number of difficulties arise in the production of native species seedlings including how to define strategies that enhance the production quality, quicken germination and seedling development and maintain low cost conditions. For many species, cutting is one of the processes used to produce seedling. Importantly, the vegetative propagation of the Cerrado species in nurseries remains poorly studied. The objective of this research was to produce seedlings by rooting induction and leaf budding in cuttings of Miconia albicans, Croton urucurana and Solanum paniculatum. Cuttings of approximately 15 cm long were placed inside transparent polyethylene bags with the application of Indolbutyric Acid (IBA), at a concentration of 0.5% in base  and the phytoregulator in two types of substrates (land savannah and sand) were used. Importantly, the substrates showed no significant impact on the cuttings and did not interfere in the establishment of Miconia albicans, Croton urucurana and Solanum paniculatum. Regardless of the application of IBA, roots sprouted from stakes in these plants, but most in Solanum paniculatum. The number of leaves was significant among the studied species, with an average of 2.3 leaves Solanum paniculatum while none were observed in the Miconia albicans and Croton urucurana cuttings. Our results indicate that vegetative propagation of cuttings without the use of phytoregulators is feasible for Solanum paniculatum, regardless of the time collection.

Keywords: Seedling, Restoration, Cuttings, Cerrado.


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