Integrative Disciplinary Research | Online ISSN 3064-9870

Toxic Leadership and Employee Misconduct of hotel and tourism institution: A Frontline Perspective

Tasnimul Islam 1*, Mohammad Nazrul Islam 1, Md. Abu Zihad 1, Suvamoy Datta 1

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Primeasia 3(1) 1-7

Submitted: 05 June 2022  Revised: 21 August 2022  Published: 25 August 2022 


This study determined the impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Misconduct among frontline employees in restaurants within the Klang Valley, aiming to address persistent challenges in the hospitality sector. Employee Misconduct poses a significant threat to service-oriented cultures and financial stability. Specifically, this research explores how Toxic Leadership behaviors contribute to frontline employee misconduct, potentially exacerbating issues such as service quality and organizational reputation. Employing a quantitative approach, 120 questionnaires were distributed among frontline employees in various Klang Valley restaurants using non-probability purposive sampling. Correlation analysis of collected data indicated a statistically significant positive relationship between Toxic Leadership and employee misconduct (r= .280, p<0.01). These findings underscore the detrimental influence of toxic leadership on employee behavior within service settings. The study's outcomes contribute to a deeper understanding of organizational dynamics within the restaurant industry and the broader hospitality sector in Malaysia. By highlighting the prevalence and impact of Toxic Leadership, this research underscores the urgency for strategic interventions to mitigate employee misconduct and foster healthier work environments. Future research directions should explore additional facets of employee misconduct triggered by toxic leadership actions, offering insights for proactive management strategies and policy development in service-oriented industries.

Keywords: Toxic Leadership, Employee Misconduct, Hospitality Sector, Frontline Employees, Klang Valley


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