Integrative Disciplinary Research | Online ISSN 3064-9870
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Advancing Safety and Efficiency in Hazardous Drug Management: Analytical Critique, Constraints, and Systematic Review Insights

Raed mohammed alomair 1*‎‏Tallah Ibrahim Alkiady 1Abdullah Abdulrahman Alkhamees 1Hamdan  Ali  Al Alyani 1, Sultan Safah A Alharbi 1, Amira Yousef Ali Aldalili 1, Khalid Obid  Abdullah  Alruki 1, Basim Othman Nasser Almarshed 1, Mohammed Menwer Alruwaili 1, Taleb Ghazi Thaar Aldalbahi 1, Hatim Bunaydir Bader AImutairi 1, Abdullah Hassan Abdullah Aldawsari 1, Mohammed Mesfer Musaed AL khathami 1, Saadi saad Alanazi 1,  ,Amer Hassan Mohammed Al-Shahri 1, Hassan Duairam Thawab Al-Shahrani 1,  Mohammed Ahmed bahanshel 1, Badr Talhab Ayed Al-Anzi 1

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Primeasia 2(1) 1-7

Submitted: 26 November 2020  Revised: 10 January 2021  Published: 15 January 2021 


Background: The preparation and administration of hazardous drugs (HDs) in healthcare settings may have significant occupational risks to healthcare professionals. While robotic systems are increasingly deployed to mitigate exposure, the lack of explicit guidelines and worker satisfaction assessments highlights critical research gaps. Additionally, high documentary noise and limitations in study design compromise the reliability of evidence in occupational health investigations. Methods: This analysis reviewed literature on HD management, focusing on the safety and efficiency of robotic systems, systematic risk assessment, and worker satisfaction. Databases including Scopus and Web of Science were queried using targeted keywords in titles, abstracts, and keywords. Relevant studies were critically appraised for methodological rigor, limitations, and outcomes using established frameworks such as the STROBE statement and Arksey and O’Malley’s scoping methodology. Results: Findings revealed a lack of standardized protocols to minimize exposure risks during HD preparation and administration. Only two studies evaluated worker satisfaction related to robotic systems, primarily through electronic prescription usage. While integrating HDs into standardized management systems enhanced process safety and resource optimization, limitations in study designs hindered robust evidence generation. High levels of "documentary noise" from database searches and indexing inadequacies further constrained the review. Despite comprehensive search strategies, potential gaps in relevant literature persisted. Conclusion: The deployment of robotic systems for HD preparation offers promise in improving safety, but significant gaps remain in assessing worker satisfaction and exposure mitigation. Future research should focus on developing explicit safety guidelines, refining risk assessment methodologies, and improving database indexing to reduce documentary noise. Incorporating worker satisfaction assessments and adopting rigorous study designs are crucial to advancing occupational safety in HD management.

Keywords: Hazardous drugs, Occupational Health, Systematic Review, Robotic Drug Preparation, Worker Safety


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