Nutraceuticals Development
Health, nutrition and therapeutics

Open Access

Open Access provides free and immediate online access to the scholarly literature for anyone in the world to read, distribute and reuse. Eman Research, as a Gold Open Access publisher, offsets all the costs associated with our high-quality publishing service through Article Processing Charges (APCs): articles that are accepted for publication by our external editors following rigorous peer review incur a publishing fee charged to authors, institutions or funders.

Eman Research Publishing supports both ‘Green’ and ‘Gold’ Open Access to help authors reach the broadest audience for their work and to facilitate unrestricted access to scholarly research. All Open Access articles undergo the same rigorous peer-review as those published under a subscription model.

Green Open Access

All journals published by Eman Research Publishing allow authors to deposit the Accepted version of their manuscript into an institutional repository or put it on a personal website, with no embargo.

The Accepted version is the author-created, peer-reviewed, accepted manuscript. The Publisher’s edited or typeset versions cannot be used. The institutional repository should be that of the institution employing the author at the time the work was conducted or PubMed Central. We ask that authors link to the published version on the Eman Research Publishing website, wherever possible.

Gold Open Access

The peer review and publishing services applied to all articles incur costs. Because these costs cannot be recovered from subscription revenue for Open Access content, we charge Open Access Fees.

There are three types of Gold Open Access available through Eman Research Publishing.

Author Publication Fees: Authors may choose to have an article published by paying a publication fee. Journals allowing Gold Open Access have an ‘Open Access’ link on their homepage located in the ‘For Authors’ section. Open Access Author Fees are separate from and additional to any other publication charges, such as colour printing or reprints. Our Author Publication Fee is AU$300 (USD $215).

Society-Sponsored Open Access: Some of our society partners have paid for portions of their journal to be published Open Access. The subscription price for that journal reflects only the portion of content not published Open Access.

Sponsored Issues or content: In some circumstances, Open Access for all or part of an issue may be sponsored by an external organisation or partner.

Gold Open Access articles are published under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 ( If you require a different Creative Commons Attribution please let us know. Those wanting to make derivatives or use content commercially can contact us to discuss your needs.

Gold Open Access articles:

  • may be viewed by anyone with an internet connection anywhere in the world without the need for a current subscription
  • may be uploaded to any personal, institutional or public repository subject to acknowledgement of the author and journal in accordance with a CC-BY-NC-ND licence
  • may be shared, copied or redistributed in any medium or format
  • will appear in all available versions (electronic and paper) of the journal.

Choosing Open Access as an author

You are offered the choice of Open Access after your work is accepted for publication. All of our articles enjoy the same:

  • rigorous peer-review
  • expert editorial advice to improve your work
  • professional production services
  • loading to CrossRef and appropriate Abstracting and Indexing Services.

Speak to your Production Editor when they contact you on acceptance of your article.

Open access licenses
We aim to provide the best choice of user license options which define how readers can reuse open access articles published on our platforms.

ER's policy

  • Offer a choice between a commercial and a noncommercial Creative Commons license for gold open access articles in our proprietary titles.  The choice is dependent on the journal in which the author chooses to publish. Please refer to the journal's homepage for specific details.

  • Use the ER user license for our open archive content

  • We support green open access and accepted manuscripts can be self -archived following our sharing guidelines and are required to attach a CC-BY-NC-ND license.

Choosing a license

Once selected, Creative Commons user licenses are non-revocable. We recommend authors check if their funding body requires a specific license. See the Creative Commons website for more details about what to consider before choosing a user license. Click here for a full list of user licenses used by ER.

User license

Read, print and download

Redistribute or republish the article (e.g. display in a repository)

Translate the article

Download for text and data mining purposes

Reuse portions or extracts from the article in other works

Sell or re-use for commercial purposes

CC BY 4.0










For private use only and not for distribution




ER user license








Under the CC BY-NC-ND license and for the ER user license permitted 3rd party reuse is only applicable for non-commercial purposes. For further details on the rights granted to Elsevier see our copyright information or to obtain permission for commercial use see our permission information. Also note further permission may be required from the rights owner for any content within an article that is identified as belonging to a third party.

Authors can receive fee waiver on some types of articles.

Article types

We offer a range of article types to optimally support our various academic communities in communicating their results and research advances.

A-Type Articles: Clinical Trial, Hypothesis & Theory, Methods, Original Research, Policy and Practice Reviews, Review, Systematic Review, Study Protocol, Technology and Code

B-Type Articles: Brief Research Report, Case Report, Community Case Study, Conceptual Analysis, Curriculum Instruction and Pedagogy, Mini Review, Perspective, Policy Brief

C-Type Articles: Data Report, General Commentary, Opinion

D-Type Articles: Book Review, Core Concept (Young Minds), Correction, Editorial, Field Grand Challenge, Focused Review, Commentary, New Discovery (Young Minds), Specialty Grand Challenge.

Fee support for authors

The APC income generated also provides for assistance to those authors unable to pay publication fees. From the beginning, Eman Research has offered authors support to ensure that financial barriers do not prevent quality research benefiting from Open Access publication. There are a number of options for authors to fund APCs through either funder, institutional and publisher initiatives. Eman Research provides the following:

  • Eman Research institutional memberships
  • Eman Research fee-waiver program

Authors may also find further Open Access funding opportunities on the Open Access directory list of OA publication funds.

Eman Research institutional memberships

As Open Access mandates are growing, many institutions, funding agencies and foundations have created Open Access Funds to pay APCs. Eman Research is working with libraries, funding agencies and research consortia to find ways to remove some or all of the responsibility for APCs from individual authors. You can see which institutions currently participate and learn more about how the Eman Research Institutional Membership can facilitate the payment of APCs for your institution here.

Eman Research fee-waiver program

Eman Research is committed to help researchers overcome any financial barriers to publication. In cases where authors do not have the means to pay the APCs, they can apply for full or partial waivers. Please complete our Waiver Application form online, and allow up to two weeks for Eman Research to review and reply to your request.

IMPORTANT: Authors wishing to apply for a waiver must do so before, or immediately after, their manuscript is submitted to avoid delays in the event that your article is accepted. Decisions to accept articles are made by external editors solely based on objective review criteria, and information about waiver applications are not disclosed to the editors or reviewers.

Effective date of fees and discounts

The above fees and discounts are valid for articles submitted on or after January, 2019. APCs may be subject to periodic revision. The invoiced APC is the one valid at the time of manuscript submission.

APC payment

A pro forma invoice will be supplied on submission of your manuscript, for complete transparency regarding APCs; author can verify fees with Eman Research office before the review process. A final invoice will be issued in case your article is accepted for publication. APCs are payable within 30 days of the final invoice date.