Precision sciences | Online ISSN 3064-9226

Lifestyle Medicine as a Paradigm Shift in Chronic Disease Management Through Behavioral Interventions

Sree Shib Shankar Devnath Debu1, Israt Jahan Eti2, Tamalika Parvin3, Md. Shamim Hossain4, Birupaksha Biswas5, Md Russel Iqbal6

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Journal of Precision Biosciences 6 (1) 1-9

Submitted: 01 October 2024 Revised: 08 December 2024  Published: 09 December 2024 


Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension remain leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, traditionally managed through pharmaceutical interventions. However, emerging evidence underscores the efficacy of lifestyle medicine as a sustainable, patient-centered approach to preventing, managing, and even reversing these conditions. This study determines the role of lifestyle medicine, emphasizing the impact of nutrition, physical activity, stress management, sleep hygiene, and social connections on health outcomes. A quantitative research design was employed to assess awareness, adoption, and effectiveness of lifestyle interventions among 450 participants, including patients and healthcare providers. The findings reveal a significant correlation between adherence to lifestyle modifications and improved chronic disease outcomes, with 67% of respondents reporting substantial symptom relief. Key barriers to implementation include limited professional guidance, financial constraints, and sociocultural influences. Despite these challenges, integrating lifestyle medicine into healthcare systems through policy support, provider education, and technological advancements holds promise for reducing the global chronic disease burden. This study determines the necessity of continued research, policy advocacy, and healthcare innovation to maximize the potential of lifestyle medicine in reshaping disease management and public health.

Keywords: Lifestyle medicine, chronic disease, behavioral interventions, non-pharmaceutical treatment, preventive healthcare


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