Multidisciplinary research and review journal | Online ISSN 3064-9870
REVIEWS   (Open Access)

Impact of Digital Marketing on Hospital Marketing Strategies: A Comprehensive Literature Review

Md Sohel Rana1*, Najnatul Farzana Sikder2, Humayun Rashid Shahin3, Ramjan Ali 4

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Primeasia 5 (1) 1-6

Submitted: 20 February 2024 Revised: 11 April 2024  Published: 16 April 2024 


Background: Digital marketing leverages digital technology to build stronger relationships with markets and promote products and services through online channels in a cost-effective manner. It encompasses a variety of strategies, including Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media, Display Advertising, Referral Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, and viral marketing. Methods: This study employs a descriptive literature review methodology to investigate the impact of digital marketing on hospital marketing. Four key articles were reviewed, focusing on the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies in enhancing hospital promotional activities and service quality. Results: The literature analysis reveals several benefits of digital marketing in healthcare settings, including attracting new patients, expanding business reach, increasing customer trust, and strengthening patient loyalty. Studies by Prasetyo and Sulistiadi (2019) identified challenges and strategic plans for digital marketing in dental hospitals, while Rony and Panuju (2018) highlighted its use for online registration and marketing in RS PHC, Surabaya. Sembiluh and Sulistiadi (2022) demonstrated the advantages of digital marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Burhan and Sulistiadi (2022) showed its significant influence on hospital promotional activities. Conclusion: Digital marketing plays a vital role in hospital marketing by enhancing patient engagement and improving the overall brand image. For hospitals to remain competitive and effectively communicate with their target audience in the digital era, continuous innovation and strategic implementation of digital marketing are essential.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Hospital Marketing, Patient Engagement, Healthcare Promotion, Online Advertising


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