Integrative Disciplinary Research | Online ISSN 3064-9870

Study of The Applications of Alkaline Protease Produced by Soil-Isolated Bacillus cereus FT 11

Asha B*1, 2, Palaniswamy M1

+ Author Affiliations

Journal of Primeasia 2(1) 1-8

Submitted: 22 February 2021  Revised: 07 April 2021  Published: 14 April 2021 


Proteases, enzymes widely utilized in industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, detergents, leather, among others, represent the highest-selling enzyme category globally. This study investigates the industrial applications of an alkaline protease enzyme derived from Bacillus cereus FT11, isolated from soil. The enzyme, after partial purification, demonstrated significant keratinolytic activity by degrading human hair and chicken feathers. Moreover, it effectively degraded various natural proteins including blood clots, meat, and coagulated egg albumin. Furthermore, the enzyme exhibited the capability to degrade gelatin extracted from used x-ray films, facilitating the recovery of silver, and it successfully dehaired goat skin without causing visible damage. In addition to its proteolytic properties, the enzyme proved adept at removing stubborn stains such as blood, turmeric, and plant extracts from fabrics. Notably, it displayed antibacterial activity against clinical pathogens, underscoring its potential for diverse industrial applications.Collectively, these findings highlight the enzyme's suitability for a broad array of industrial processes. Its ability to degrade complex proteins, recover valuable materials, and exhibit antimicrobial properties suggests promising practical implications. This research underscores the enzyme's potential as a versatile tool in various industrial sectors, emphasizing its role in enhancing efficiency and sustainability in processes ranging from waste management to textile and pharmaceutical production.

Keywords: alkaline protease, Bacillus cereus FT11, industrial applications, enzymatic degradation, antibacterial activity. 


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