Interdisciplinary Sciences | Online ISSN 3064-9870
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Management of COVID-19 Crisis: Bangladesh Perspectives

Suvamoy Datta1,2* , Maruf Abony1, Priyanka Dutta 3

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Journal of Primeasia 2(1) 1-6

Submitted: 01 November 2020  Revised: 25 December 2020  Published: 11 January 2021 


Bangladesh has one of the world's most extensive networks of community health workers and a robust tradition of public-private collaboration during crises, underpinned by resilient communities. These strengths highlight Bangladesh's capacity to navigate the current COVID-19 crisis effectively, finding optimal solutions to ensure survival amidst the catastrophe. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged lives and caused widespread societal disruption, prompting closures of schools and workplaces aimed at curbing transmission and delaying the epidemic's peak. Bangladesh's strategy to combat COVID-19 cannot rely solely on governmental efforts; it necessitates unprecedented collaboration across public and private sectors, both locally and internationally. Initiatives such as the COVID-19 Action Platform by the World Economic Forum, in conjunction with the World Health Organization, have been pivotal in responding to the pandemic. Bangladesh can leverage these platforms to bolster its private sector, share its experiences in managing COVID-19, and enhance economic resilience. Data from the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control, and Research highlight that the majority (62%) of COVID-19 cases in Bangladesh have occurred among individuals aged 21-50. Notably, those aged 31-40 account for the largest segment (23%) of infections, followed by those aged 21-30 (20%), and 41-50 (19%). Patients aged 51-60 constitute 15% of cases, while those over 60 represent 13%. Adolescents (ages 11-20) and children (under 10) comprise 7% and 3% of cases, respectively. This demographic profile aligns with trends observed in neighboring India but differs from harder-hit countries like the USA, China, and Spain.

Keywords:  Bangladesh, COVID-19, Community health workers, Pandemic response, Public-private cooperation.


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