Science of friction, wear and lubrication

Tribological influences of micro texture on surface interfaces: A review

Taposh Roya, c*, Dipankar Choudhury a,b, and Belinda Pingguan-Murphyc

+ Author Affiliations

Tribology of Materials 1(1) 001-012

Submitted: 23 July 2018  Revised: 08 August 2018  Published: 10 August 2018 

Using well-defined surface texture on artificial hip or knee joints has viable potential. However, more research should be conducted to optimize the texture parameters, and determine texture durability.


Surface texture is one of the key techniques used in surface modification in order to achieve better tribological outcomes. However, their performances are depended on the texture parameters itself, loading and lubrication conditions. The aims of this review paper are to summarise various fabrication techniques of texturing surfaces, the tribological outcomes of experimental studies on surface texturing and, scope and challenges of using a texturing surface on artificial hip or knee joints. Laser surface texturing is used in most of the surface but their application is limited mainly on flat surface. Dimpled and grooved surfaces were found to be excellent for friction reduction and fluid film thickness improvement, although the level of performance varied on both textured parameters and experiment conditions. The wear rate was found to be dissimilar among the studies. Using well-defined surface texture on artificial hip or knee joints has viable potential.However, more research should be conducted to optimize the texture parameters, and determine texture durability.

Key words: Friction, Surface texturing, Micro-dimple, micro-groves, Wear.




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